Testimonials > Jeff C. Shih, Ph.D.
Jeff C. Shih, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Student and Community Engagement (ADSCE)
College of Education
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Programación meticulosa, seguimiento de hitos, revisiones periódicas y comentarios constructivos
"En cuanto a la gestión del proyecto, el equipo fue meticuloso en la programación y el seguimiento de los hitos, lo que garantizó un progreso sin contratiempos. Esto se complementó con revisiones periódicas y comentarios constructivos. En general, la experiencia de NovEduca estuvo marcada por un fuerte compromiso con la calidad y la capacidad de respuesta, lo que condujo a un proyecto exitoso."
Leer el testimonio completo
Working with Noveduca, especially Dr. Ana Maria Mass and Maximiliano (Maxi) Potenzoni was a great experience. Both Dr. Mass and Maxi consistently provided support with timely and clear responses that fostered collaboration and flexibility. They answered emails at all hours of the day and often troubleshooted issues with ease. We collaborated with Noveduca on creating a 15-hour micro course aimed at examining the experiences of AAPI communities across the country and specifically Nevada, as a way to support educators as they embark on their journey to fostering an inclusive learning environment. The project seamlessly integrated visual design, content structuring, and instructional design support, ensuring an intuitive user experience. The micro course is easy to navigate and follows strict accessibility compliance. Noveduca made sure to standardize elements of the micro course to further enhance usability, making information easily digestible. In terms of project management, a comprehensive needs analysis in the beginning of the project informed the 15-hour micro course roadmap which consists of 1 introduction module, 4 content modules, and 1 synthesis module. The team was meticulous in scheduling and milestone tracking which facilitated smooth progress and accompanied by regular reviews and constructive feedback. Overall, the Noveduca experience was marked by a commitment to quality and responsiveness, leading to a successful project.
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